What Is the Best Medical Interpreter?
By Melia Yanat, Lingolet Team
It is at Lingolet that you will find the best interpreter.
The best interpreter is the one who is available, qualified, and accessible.
Availability: for most people, an interpreter's need is an emergency. Have you been injured? The police have just stopped you in a foreign country, you've just had your plane canceled, and you don't understand what the airport staff is saying? These situations require interpreters available 24 hours a day to translate into your language and the one you don't understand.
Qualification: the work of an interpreter cannot be improvised.
Transmitting speech in another language while taking into account the context and discussion area requires real know-how.
Asking a friend or family member to play the interpreter for you is not the right solution. Many mistakes have already happened with these methods, some with severe consequences.
You should never hire a doctor who has not studied but "knows" medicine. For an interpreter, it is the same thing. The science of language requires training.
Accessibility: it is the price. Indeed, an interpreter, all the more so if he or she is qualified, can be very expensive for you. The interpreter usually sends you a quote to be transparent. However, the estimate is in contradiction with the need for availability. It can take several days for interpreters or interpreting firms to issue an assessment.
Besides, there is a real nonsense in the pricing: most people who need an interpreter have few financial resources to afford an excellent qualified interpreter—a total injustice.
The solution? Lingolet.
Lingolet meets all three criteria for the best interpreter.
Our platform makes it possible to obtain a qualified interpreter in the sector of your choice (medical, legal, administrative, business) in less than a minute.
Our team comprises more than 4000 interpreters around the world, ready to pick up the phone to provide you with remote interpreting. The price is billed by the minute, allowing you to see your bill in real time and to stop it whenever you want.
Learn more about medical translation:
Why are medical translation errors unacceptable, and how can they be avoided
Is there a difference in medical language between Quebec French and French from France?