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We search a medical translator in Google

By Camille Bouvet, Lingolet Intern

We search a medical translator in Google

There are many online translators when you search on google. Some are free, and some are not.  

Why ?

 A free and online translator will make you accept some cookies. 

These cookies will allow the translator’s company to reuse your previous searches. 

This is not necessarily disturbing in everyday life, but maybe illegal in some areas, such as in the medical field.   

To respect the medical secrecy, Lingolet is a great tool : Lingolet protects all your data. 

Also, Lingolet works with certified interpreters, especially in the medical field. 

Lingolet allows each user to contact an interpreter specialized in medical vocabulary, which can avoid significant problems. You can send your files through the platform and ask for a human proofread from a certified interpreter.  

 Tap “Lingolet” in Google to find the best medical translator! 

Lingolet allows you to connect with a certified medical interpreter in less than 30 seconds, 24/7 every day of the year, in more than 180 languages. 

Have a quick and professional medical translation in total respect of the medical secret.


Are You Looking for a Medical Interpretation Solution?

We make medical interpretation instant and intuitive for healthcare services.

Learn more about medical translation: 


  • Why are medical translation errors unacceptable, and how can they be avoided

  • Is there a difference in medical language between Quebec French and French from France?

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