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What's the Best Way to Translate Medical Records Into English?

By Camille Bouvet, Lingolet Team

What's the Best Way to Translate Medical Records Into English?

In the medical field, the best way to translate a file is to contact a certified professional.

This avoids translation errors, which can lead to irreparable medical mistakes.

It is easy to find a medical interpreter or translator who is fluent in FIGS (French, Italian, German, Spanish). But it is more complicated to find a medical translator who is fluent in Swahili, for example.

Thanks to the Lingolet application, you can use certified interpreters on demand, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and choose from over 180 languages. An interpreter will be in contact with you in less than 30 seconds, by audio or video call, depending on your choice. 

But you can also, via, send your audio files to an AI (protecting all your data and guaranteeing medical confidentiality) and request proofreading.

The lingolet application is the best way to translate a medical file into English, as it is a fast, inexpensive and professional tool. In addition, interpreters must respect professional secrecy, and our platform is secure.


Are You Looking for a Medical Interpretation Solution?

We make medical interpretation instant and intuitive for healthcare services.

Learn more about medical translation: 


  • Why are medical translation errors unacceptable, and how can they be avoided

  • Is there a difference in medical language between Quebec French and French from France?

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